Winter Term 2023/2024
Signal Processing
For students of Biomedical Engineering
Lecture; Certificate Type A; ECTS: 3; English, Mandatory for Students of Biomedical Engineering.
Weekly on Tuesday, 12:00 - 14:00, Building 64, 3rd floor, room 28
First Lecture: October 17, 2023
The oral examination will last for 25-30 minutes and will cover the whole range of topics. No literature, script or utilities are permitted.
Admission to the exam will be granted after satisfactory completion of the assignment.
Lab Class
Exercise will be held by René Pallenberg and Mathias Eulers.
Rating type B; Mandatory for Students of Biomedical Engineering
Rating Type B will be issued for a complete assignment, consisting of related exercises and a report on a given data set. Excercise results are to be handed in in print to the supervisor. On fullfilling the complete assignment, admission to the DSP I exam is granted.
First Lab: October 23, 2023
- Introduction, elementary signals, LTI systems, Dirac pulse
- Integration/differentiation, simple circuits, causal systems
- Fourier Transform (FT) and its properties
- FT of elementary signals, windowed cosine function
- Energy signals, autocorrelation, cross-correlation, ACF @ LT
- Time and frequency discrete sampling, discrete-time signals
- LSI-systems, discrete-time FT, ACF, CCF, sampling, decimation, down- and upsampling
- FIR and IIR Filters, Wavelets
- FFT, zero-padding etc...
- Lüke H, Signalübertragung. 6. ed. Springer, Berlin, (1995), in German
- Oppenheim AV, Schafer RW, Discrete-time signal processing Prentice Hall Signal Processing Series, Englewood Cliffs (1989)
- Brown BH, Smallwood RH, Barber DC, Lawford PV, and Hose DR, Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering. Series in Medical Physics, ed. C.G. Orton, J.A. Spaan, and J. G.Webster. Institute of Physics Publishing, London (2001)

- Teaching
- Winter 2024/25
- Summer 2024
- Winter 2023/2024
- Signalverarbeitung
- Signalanalyse
- Signal Processing for BME
- Signal Processing Lab (BME)
- HAT Seminar Hörakustik und Audiologische Technik
- HAT Seminar zum Modul Forschungsmethoden: Bildgebung und Biosignalanalyse
- Graduate Seminar
- Perception for Autonomous Vehicles
- Projektpraktikum Signal- und Bildverarbeitung
- Projektpraktikum Master HAT
- Projektpraktikum Master MIW und MI
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Alfred Mertins
G64, 1.OG, R93
+49 451 3101-5800
Detailed information and material will be available on the learning platform Moodle.