Tim Parbs

Former Research Associate



Tim J. Parbs, Philipp Koch, and Alfred Mertins,
Convolutive Attention for Image Registration, in Proc. European Signal Processing Conference , Belgrade, Serbia: IEEE, 2022. pp. 1348--1352.
Bibtex: BibTeX
   author    = {Tim J. Parbs and Philipp Koch and Alfred Mertins},
   booktitle = {Proc. European Signal Processing Conference},
   title     = {Convolutive Attention for Image Registration},
   year      = {2022},
   address   = {Belgrade, Serbia},
   month     = sep,
   pages     = {1348--1352},
   publisher = {IEEE},
   abstract  = {Elastic registration of deformed images is a vitalcomponent of many computer vision tasks, especially whenconsidering medical image data. Deep learning techniques, particularlyU-Nets, offer state-of-the-art performance, but do notyet use the rich spatial information context available in naturalimages. We propose an augmentation based on the recentlyintroduced attention mechanism to allow a U-Net to use spatialimage context. A dedicated convolutive attention scheme hasbeen developed by calculating local similarity scores of themultidimensional inputs. Additionally, a dedicated compositeerror function based on common image similarity measures isintroduced in order to further improve the registration results.To evaluate our approach, we conducted several experiments onan augmented real-world dataset containing cardiac cine MRIscans. The comparison with state-of-the-art registration schemeshighlights the potential of our approach.}, }


Philipp Koch, Kamran Mohammad-Zadeh, Marco Maaß, Mark Dreier, Ole Thomsen, Tim J. Parbs, Huy Phan, and Alfred Mertins,
sEMG-Based Hand Movement Regression by Prediction of Joint Angles With Recurrent Neural Networks, in 43nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC) , 2021. pp. 6519--6523.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Koch, Philipp and Mohammad-Zadeh, Kamran and Maass, Marco and Dreier, Mark and Thomsen, Ole and Parbs, Tim J. and Phan, Huy and Mertins, Alfred},
  title     = {sEMG-Based Hand Movement Regression by Prediction of Joint Angles With Recurrent Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {43nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC)},
  year      = {2021},
  pages     = {6519--6523},
doi = {10.1109/EMBC46164.2021.9630042},


Philipp Koch, Mark Dreier, Anna Larsen, Tim J. Parbs, Marco Maaß, Huy Phan, and Alfred Mertins,
Regression of Hand Movements from sEMG Data with Recurrent Neural Networks, in 42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC) , 2020. pp. 3783--3787.
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author    = {Koch, Philipp and Dreier, Mark and Larsen, Anna and Parbs, Tim J. and Maass, Marco and Phan, Huy and Mertins, Alfred},
  title     = {Regression of Hand Movements from sEMG Data with Recurrent Neural Networks},
  booktitle = {42nd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine \& Biology Society (EMBC)},
  year      = {2020},
  pages     = {3783--3787},


Anita Möller, Marco Maaß, Tim Jeldrik Parbs, and Alfred Mertins,
Blind Rigid Motion Estimation for Arbitrary MRI Sampling Trajectories, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019 , Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas M. and Maier, Andreas and Maier-Hein, Klaus Hermann and Palm, Christoph and Tolxdorff, Thomas, Eds. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2019. pp. 128--133.
File: BVM_2019_moeller.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author="Möller, Anita and Maass, Marco and Parbs, Tim Jeldrik and Mertins, Alfred",
editor="Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas M. and Maier, Andreas and Maier-Hein, Klaus Hermann and Palm, Christoph
and Tolxdorff, Thomas",
title="Blind Rigid Motion Estimation for Arbitrary MRI Sampling Trajectories",
booktitle="Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019",
publisher="Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden",
abstract="In this publication, a new blind motion correction algorithm for magnetic resonance imaging for arbitrary sampling trajectories is presented. Patient motion during partial measurements is estimated. Exploiting the image design, a sparse approximation of the reconstructed image is calculated with the alternating direction method of multipliers. The approximation is used with gradient descent methods with derivatives of a rigid motion model to estimate the motion and extract it from the measured data. Adapted gridding is performed in the end to receive reconstruction images without motion artifacts.",
Anita Möller, Marco Maaß, Tim Jeldrik Parbs, and Alfred Mertins,
Blind Sparsity Based Motion Estimation and Correction Model for Arbitrary MRI Sampling Trajectories, in Proceedings of the 27th {Joint} {Annual} {Meeting} of {ISMRM} , Montreal, Canada , 2019. pp. 4496.
File: ismrm19moeller.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
author = {Möller, Anita and Maass, Marco and Parbs, Tim Jeldrik and Mertins, Alfred},
title = {Blind Sparsity Based Motion Estimation and Correction Model for Arbitrary MRI Sampling Trajectories},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th {Joint} {Annual} {Meeting} of {ISMRM}},
pages = {4496},
year = {2019},
address = {Montreal, Canada},
month = {May},
url ={https://index.mirasmart.com/ISMRM2019/PDFfiles/4496.html}
P. Koch, M. Maaß, M. Bruhns, C. Droigk, T. J. Parbs, and A. Mertins,
Neural Network for Reconstruction of MPI Images, in 9th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2019) , New York, USA: Infinite Science Publishing, 2019. pp. 39--40.
File: koch2019a.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
Author = {Koch, P.  and Maass, M. and Bruhns, M. and Droigk, C.  and Parbs, T. J. and Mertins, A.}, 
Title = {Neural Network for Reconstruction of MPI Images}, 
Year = {2019}, 
Pages = {39--40}, 
Booktitle = {9th International Workshop on Magnetic Particle Imaging (IWMPI 2019)}, 
publisher = {Infinite Science Publishing},
address = {New York, USA}, 
month = {March},
Parbs, Anita Möller, and Alfred Mertins,
Retrospective Blind MR Image Recovery with Parameterised Motion Models, in Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin 2019 , Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas Martin and Maier, A. and Maier-Hein, K.H. and Palm, Christoph and Tolxdorff, Thomas, Eds. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2019, pp. 140 - 145.
File: Parbs_2019_-_Retrospective_Blind_MR_Image_Recovery_with_Parameterised_Motion_Models.pdf
Bibtex: BibTeX
  author       = {Parbs, Tim J., and M{\"o}ller, Anita and Mertins, Alfred},
  title        = {Retrospective Blind MR Image Recovery with Parameterised Motion Models},
  booktitle    = {Bildverarbeitung f{\"u}r die Medizin 2019},
  publisher    = {Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden},
  year         = {2019},
  editor       = {Handels, Heinz and Deserno, Thomas Martin and Maier, A. and Maier-Hein, K.H. and Palm, Christoph and Tolxdorff, Thomas},
  series       = {Informatik aktuell},
  pages        = {140 - 145},
  doi          = {10.1007/978-3-658-25326-4_30},
  organization = {Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden},